
“"The breast cancer survival rate is about 90 percent when it's detected early but drops considerably lower once the cancer has spread to the bones. It's important that we learn more about bone metastasis and how to slow it down.” —Walter Jackson III, Ph.D. candidate in immunology and infectious diseases

“"My goal is to lead to new biological knowledge. I'm not satisfied to just give predictions. I also want those predictions tested and validated. And I'm happiest when my model leads to new biological discoveries.” —Reka Albert, Associate Professor of Physics and Biology in Penn State’s Eberly College of Science

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“Perhaps most chillingly, the face of type 2 diabetes is getting younger each year. What used to be a disease of our grandparents and parents is becoming a disease of our children.” —Robert Gabay, Director of the Penn State Center for Diabetes and Obesity


“In nature, a 'high path' (highly pathogenic) strain doesn't just appear out of nowhere," explains Lu. "It needs to circulate for months or years as a low path virus first.” —Huaguang Lu, Avian Virologist and Senior Research Associate at Penn State

“We have found such high levels of pesticides in the wax, in the pollen, and in the bees themselves—beyond the level that was expected when the chemicals were introduced and approved for use.” —Maryann Frazier, senior extension associate in Penn State’s Department of Entomology